Fields marked with an * are required

All campers must complete a registration form.

Medical Information

Please bring a copy of your insurance card to check in or provide information below.

Please list medications that will need to be given at camp:

Photograph, Video, and Web Release Form

I hereby give permission for images of my child and their likeness, with or without name recognition, taken by video, photography, and/or a digital camera to be copyrighted and/or used solely for the purposes of Freedom Church promotional and/or advertising material, website, and publications, whether print and/or electronic, which includes provision to include statements, such as testimonials, quotes, etc. I waive any rights of ownership or compensation thereto.

This release shall remain in effect for each child until that child reaches legal age or this release is rescinded by a parent or audit guardian.

I have read and accept the above.

Release of Liability

I understand that if any accident should occur or any sickness, it is my own responsibility.  It is understood that Freedom Church Youth Camp will not be held liable for any expense in such case.  In case of emergency, I understand that EVERY effort will be made to contact parents/guardians listed on application.  If I cannot be reached, I hereby give permission to the physician to secure proper treatment, care, even hospitalization for my child as named above.  I also understand that ALL medications must be administered by the assigned adult staff member for all campers less than 18 years of age.  Medications must be registered in at time of registration, labeled with camper’s name, dosage & time of dispensing.

I understand that by placing my name in the signature blanks below, I am agreeing to abide by all rules, policies and discipline of Freedom Church and the camp as set forth by the director and staff, and consent to the above stated information and release of liability.


Along with the leaders and other youth, I agree to conduct myself in a Christian manner.  I promise to respect God, respect others, and respect property.  I agree to strive to make each activity the best it can beI understand that my agreement holds me responsible to these things and the consequences thereof.  I am agreeing to abide by all rules, policies, and discipline of the Campground and camp as set forth by the Director and Staff.  By signing this consent, I understand that action will be taken and I am subject to being sent home if I partake in any of the following activities:  possession of illegal drugs, non-prescribed medications, alcohol or tobacco products, possession of weapons, disrespect for authority, or any other activity that adult leaders deem as inappropriate.  I understand that cell phones, ipods, and electronic equipment may be taken up by camp staff if used inappropriately.

Once you have submitted your application, be on the look out for a registration email with more details regarding check in, what to pack, etc.